Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Voice! My choice!

My voice!  My choice!:  The Arc Mid-South’s self-advocacy group

The Arc Mid-South is pleased to announce the creation of a new self-advocacy group established to enrich the lives of people with disabilities by providing an outlet to express their ideas and concerns, develop leadership and confidence skills, and to learn basic self-advocacy skills and disability rights history.

If you consider yourself a self-advocate or are striving to improve upon your advocacy skills, please come join us! Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 25th from 12:45 – 2:00 pm.  There is a one-time membership fee of $5.00.  If you have any questions, please contact The Arc Mid-South at (901) 327.2473.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

2013 Art Contest

Calling All Tennessee Artists with Disabilities!

The Tennessee Disability MegaConference is proud to announce our 2013 Art Contest!  We’re seeking artwork that shows off our conference theme this year:

Deep Roots, Broad Branches, Strong Wings

All artwork submissions will be displayed in the conference areas of the Nashville Airport Marriott hotel on May 30-May 31, 2013 during the MegaConference.

The contest winner will receive:
o   Photo of the winning artwork
o   Picture of the artist
o   Bio
·         Artwork printed on program books
·         Artwork printed on conference t-shirts
·         One complimentary exhibit table in the salon area

Submission Guidelines:

Deadline:                 March 15, 2013
Theme:                   Deep Roots, Broad Branches, Strong Wings
Attach to email:        Completed entry form
High quality digital image (at least 300 dpi) of your artwork
                                      ~ DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~
Submit to:               Lori Israel at lisrael@thearctn.org

The winning artist will be notified by April 15, 2013 via email.

If you have any questions, please call Lori at 615-248-5878 or 800-835-7077 ext 22.


For more information or to enter the contest, please click here.

The Arc Tennessee does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin or Limited English Proficiency.  If you feel you have been discriminated against please contact Peggy Cooper, Title VI coordinator, The Arc TN, 800-835-7077 ext. 15, pcooper@thearctn.org.

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